Personal Development Plans

Why write a Personal Development Plan?

Because, frankly, it works.  When you write down your plan you’ll get:
  • Clarity.  With the structure I lay out below, you’ll know exactly what you are doing with your life.
  • Define The Why.  We’ll tie it all together into your major “why” – so that even on days you feel lazy or unmotivated, you can remember why this really matters to you.
  • A Course Of Action.  Imagine waking up every day and knowing each day matters, and having a plan for what to do with it.
Let’s break it down into exactly what goes into it
Image result for Writing Personal Development

What Is In A Personal Development Plan?

The personal development plan answers 3 questions
  • What you want
  • Why you want it
  • How you plan to get there.
That’s it.

How To Write A Personal Development Plan Sections

  • Page 1: Your Life Purpose. What were you born to do? What is the meaning of your life?
  • Page 2: Your Dreams. Those far reaching thoughts and hopes that inspire you to action.
  • Page 3: Your Beliefs and Values. What do you stand for? And perhaps, what do you wish your actions showed you stand for?
  • Page 4-7 Goals:
    • Short, Medium and Long Term Goals.  We’ll take your dreams, break them down into goals that span years, months and finally days and weeks – so you know what to do every day, and also the general direction your heading.
  • Page 8+: Success and Milestones.  This is optional, but I recommend as you accomplish your goals, keep a log of some of the major milestones you’ve accomplished. You can also store certificates and other things that make you feel good.

Personal Development Plan Template

Ok, we discussed the sections that go into a plan…wouldn’t it be nice to see what it actually looks like? You can grab my template here to print out
Your Life PurposeYour Dreams and Your Beliefs and Values – those all go on blank pages, one page at a time.  I like to write them our bullet style
For the goal sheet though, I like to have a matrix to help me see exactly where I’m headed.

I like to go ten years out, but three or gives years is great too.
